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Ambassadors of the Aosta Valley wine
Region Valle d'Aosta (Italia)
Foundation Year 1968
Vineyard hectares 18
Annual production 175.000 bt
Address Grosjean Vins, Villaggio Ollignan, 2 - 11020 Quart (AO)
Oenologist Herve Grosjean

Grosjean is one of the most important and representative wineries in the Aosta Valley, a historic name in the area, producing labels of excellent quality in full respect of the best traditions of a mountain viticulture. It is a reality that for several generations has managed an estate in the Quart area, in the center of the Valley, a few kilometers northeast of the city of Aosta. The history of the Grosjean family dates back to the late 18th century, when it was already present in the mountainous areas of the Valley. The winery's activity began in 1968 with Dauphin Grosjean, who began bottling the product of his vineyards and selling it in the region with a small local distribution.

From a small plot of not even half an acre, it has grown today to about fifteen hectares, divided into many parcels distributed in the most suitable areas of the territory. Today the winery is run by brothers Vincent, Giorgio, Marco, Fernando and Eraldo, who divide the tasks so as to cover all the roles of the company. The vineyards are cultivated at an altitude between 400 and 600 meters above sea level, on soils of ancient morainic origin, mainly composed of sand and rich in skeleton. These are poor soils, very well drained and suitable for quality viticulture. The orientation on the east-west axis of the central area of the valley, allows the northern slope to be exposed all day to the sun and always very ventilated. The vines include mainly the historical varieties of the area: Petite Arvine, Fumin Cornalin, Premetta, Petit Rouge, but also some international varieties that have adapted well to the Alpine climate, such as Muscat Petit Grain Chardonnay, Muller-Thurgau, Pinot Noir, and Gamay.

The Grosjean estate is connoted by a steeply sloping terrain, with numerous terraced vineyards, which impose strenuous manual tillage. Since 2011, agronomic management has followed the principles of certified organic farming, fully respecting the pristine natural environment of the Alpine arc. In 2015 Grosjean invested in the construction of a new winery, equipped with the latest technologies, put at the service of an idea of wine that is simple, straightforward and faithful to traditions. The range of labels perfectly represents the history of the Aosta Valley, with bottles that express the typical elegance and freshness of mountain wines.

Grosjean's wines
3 -@@-2-Vitae AIS
4 -@@-3-Bibenda
91 -@@-5-Veronelli
4 -@@-3-Bibenda