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Verdicchio is one of the most famous enological symbols of the Marche region. It is an ancient, fairly versatile white grape variety that is used to produce, generally on its own, either fresh, ready-to-drink wines or very structured interpretations, which are capable of considerable longevity. Although traditionally associated with the production of light, everyday whites, in recent times it has shown interesting qualities and potential, to the extent that it is used for all types, from still wines to sparkling wines, and from late harvests to passito wines. The name Verdicchio derives from the term 'verde' (or "green") and refers to the colour of the grapes and their typical greenish hues, even when fully ripe. Widespread throughout the Marche region, it achieves its finest expressions in the Ancona hills of the Castelli di Jesi and in the territory of Matelica, which is in the province of Macerata. Its history combines nobility and rural agricultural tradition, creating unique and unforgettable wines.

83 results
1 -@@-6-Slowine
3 -@@-2-Vitae AIS
3 -@@-2-Vitae AIS
2 -@@-6-Slowine
3 -@@-2-Vitae AIS
15,00 € 13,50 
2 -@@-1-Gambero Rosso
3 -@@-2-Vitae AIS
2 -@@-6-Slowine
93 -@@-15-Antonio Galloni
5 -@@-3-Bibenda
3 -@@-2-Vitae AIS
19,50 € 17,60 
2 -@@-6-Slowine
17,50 € 14,90 
3 -@@-2-Vitae AIS
2 -@@-6-Slowine
4 -@@-3-Bibenda
89 -@@-5-Veronelli
2 -@@-1-Gambero Rosso
93 -@@-11-Luca Maroni
5 -@@-3-Bibenda
91 -@@-5-Veronelli
4 -@@-2-Vitae AIS
90 -@@-8-Wine Spectator
4 -@@-3-Bibenda
2 -@@-1-Gambero Rosso
90 -@@-5-Veronelli
93 -@@-11-Luca Maroni
4 -@@-3-Bibenda
2 -@@-1-Gambero Rosso
3 -@@-2-Vitae AIS
1 -@@-6-Slowine
2 -@@-1-Gambero Rosso
1 -@@-6-Slowine
2 -@@-1-Gambero Rosso
2 -@@-6-Slowine
2 -@@-1-Gambero Rosso
3 -@@-2-Vitae AIS
87 -@@-5-Veronelli
1 -@@-6-Slowine
4 -@@-3-Bibenda
2 -@@-1-Gambero Rosso
3 -@@-2-Vitae AIS
2 -@@-1-Gambero Rosso
3 -@@-2-Vitae AIS
97 -@@-11-Luca Maroni
91 -@@-9-James Suckling
4 -@@-3-Bibenda
2 -@@-1-Gambero Rosso
3 -@@-2-Vitae AIS
94 -@@-11-Luca Maroni
4 -@@-3-Bibenda
2 -@@-1-Gambero Rosso
3 -@@-2-Vitae AIS
4 -@@-3-Bibenda
88 -@@-5-Veronelli
2 -@@-1-Gambero Rosso
91 -@@-9-James Suckling
87 -@@-5-Veronelli
2 -@@-1-Gambero Rosso
3 -@@-2-Vitae AIS
89 -@@-5-Veronelli
93 -@@-11-Luca Maroni
90 -@@-11-Luca Maroni
4 -@@-3-Bibenda
88 -@@-5-Veronelli
2 -@@-1-Gambero Rosso
2 -@@-1-Gambero Rosso
3 -@@-2-Vitae AIS
88 -@@-5-Veronelli
91 -@@-9-James Suckling
3 -@@-1-Gambero Rosso
4 -@@-3-Bibenda
2 -@@-1-Gambero Rosso
3 -@@-2-Vitae AIS
2 -@@-6-Slowine
3 -@@-2-Vitae AIS
91 -@@-11-Luca Maroni
5 -@@-3-Bibenda
4 -@@-2-Vitae AIS
94 -@@-5-Veronelli
4 -@@-3-Bibenda
92 -@@-5-Veronelli
2 -@@-1-Gambero Rosso
3 -@@-2-Vitae AIS
3 -@@-1-Gambero Rosso
94 -@@-5-Veronelli
4 -@@-2-Vitae AIS
2 -@@-6-Slowine
4 -@@-3-Bibenda
92 -@@-5-Veronelli
2 -@@-1-Gambero Rosso
93 -@@-9-James Suckling
2 -@@-1-Gambero Rosso
4 -@@-3-Bibenda
90 -@@-5-Veronelli
2 -@@-1-Gambero Rosso
3 -@@-2-Vitae AIS
5 -@@-3-Bibenda
91 -@@-5-Veronelli
2 -@@-1-Gambero Rosso
4 -@@-2-Vitae AIS
4 -@@-3-Bibenda
90 -@@-5-Veronelli
2 -@@-1-Gambero Rosso
3 -@@-2-Vitae AIS
4 -@@-3-Bibenda
90 -@@-5-Veronelli
2 -@@-1-Gambero Rosso
3 -@@-2-Vitae AIS
5 -@@-3-Bibenda
2 -@@-1-Gambero Rosso
16,50 € 11,60 
4 -@@-2-Vitae AIS
3 -@@-1-Gambero Rosso
3 -@@-2-Vitae AIS
2 -@@-6-Slowine

Verdicchio is one of the most famous enological symbols of the Marche region. It is an ancient, fairly versatile white grape variety that is used to produce, generally on its own, either fresh, ready-to-drink wines or very structured interpretations, which are capable of considerable longevity. Although traditionally associated with the production of light, everyday whites, in recent times it has shown interesting qualities and potential, to the extent that it is used for all types, from still wines to sparkling wines, and from late harvests to passito wines. The name Verdicchio derives from the term 'verde' (or "green") and refers to the colour of the grapes and their typical greenish hues, even when fully ripe. Widespread throughout the Marche region, it achieves its finest expressions in the Ancona hills of the Castelli di Jesi and in the territory of Matelica, which is in the province of Macerata. Its history combines nobility and rural agricultural tradition, creating unique and unforgettable wines.

A History that Dates Back to Ancient Times and is Linked to the Shape of a Bottle

At the heart of the history of one of Italy's greatest white wines are several historical events. The first steps in an evolution that today has led to the creation of the best Verdicchio date back to the ancient Romans. They were great vine-growers who, following their territorial conquests, drew up production zones around Europe, including Italy. The first official historical sources date back to 410 AD and mention a liquid made from this local white grape variety. It seems that Alaric, king of the Visigoths, on his way to sack the city of Rome, passed through the Jesi area to stock up on barrels of the golden nectar produced there, which had mystical properties that invigorated the warrior spirit of his soldiers.

A second moment in its history involves the migration of a number of settlers from the Veneto region who came to repopulate the Marche countryside. This event is widely debated, as some historians date the spread of the Trebbiano di Soave grape in the Marche region to this time, which over time would become the famous local white grape variety. However, recent genetic studies seem unable to confirm this origin, as well as genetic origins from other vines. Studies have confirmed that Verdicchio wine is exclusively an indigenous product of the Marche region as well as an excellent representative of its terroir. 

In 1579 the first written document was published that attempted to regulate viticulture, especially in the area of Matelica, which is one of the two areas most famous for its production. Towards the middle of the 19th century, the local production reached high levels of quality, and it was during the same period that Ubaldo Rosi realised the sparkling wine properties of the same grape. This is testimony of its versatility and ability to produce excellent quality products.

In the 1950s, the producer Fazi Battaglia organised a competition to create a special bottle that would instantly identify this speciality from the Marche region. The winner was the Milanese architect Antonio Maiocchi, who designed the famous green amphora bottle, which has since become an iconic design. Given its success, it was copied by other wineries and dominated supermarket shelves for a long time, becoming the symbol of white wine from the Marche region in Italy and throughout the world.

The Different Verdicchio Production Areas

This is a prestigious grape variety, capable of producing interpretations with a rich personality, which are also suitable for ageing for 10 or 15 years. The soils of the Marche area are unique in the world, characterised by predominantly loamy and clayey soils, with calcareous components and very rich in potassium, which is ideal for the development of particularly fine aromas. Additionally, the proximity of the area to the sea allows the breeze from the Adriatic to cool the land, ensuring a good temperature range and a perfect degree of ripeness of the grapes, while concentrating their acidity.

The most famous production areas are those of Matelica, in the province of Macerata, and the Castelli di Jesi, in the province of Ancona. It is from these two terroirs that the most brilliant expressions of the category are produced. In particular, within the second area of origin, the incredible Verdicchio La Staffa is worthy of note. This small and dynamic local winery produces wines of great stature and recognisability, which are the result of a long experience and great care, both in the vineyard and in the processing phases.

There are various classifications of this white wine. The liquids that represent the Matelica area can obtain the denomination of Riserva if they are aged for at least 18 months, also in wood, allowing them to bear the DOCG label. The Riserva and the Riserva Classico versions are the peak of production in the Castelli di Jesi area. These types of wine can obtain the DOCG denomination if they are aged for at least 24 months, 6 of which in the bottle. Finally, from the same locality, there is also the Verdicchio Superiore version with the "Classico" denomination. The latter term always indicates that the grapes originate from the oldest area of production. The passito version of the same fluid is produced only in the Ancona area, while the sparkling wine can be produced in both provinces.

The food pairings with Verdicchio are extremely interesting due to the density of the vine from which the lively wine is made. The colour also varies according to the container that is used for ageing, ranging from a classic greenish colour to shades of intense golden yellow. It is one of the richest white grapes in terms of polyphenols and, thanks to its remarkable structure, it easily complements savoury dishes, leaving an unmistakable sensation of cleanliness and elegance on the palate. On the nose it offers characteristic sensations of almonds, followed by fragrant hints of white-fleshed fruit, chamomile, broom and, if it is aged in wood, delicate persuasive notes of acacia and lime. On the palate, the approach is smooth and well-balanced, with an alcoholic component and an acidic characteristic that renders it pleasantly fresh.

Buy Verdicchio wine online on the specialised Callmewine website and allow yourself to be conquered by its incredible structure. Discover a wide range of products originating from the best Italian wineries and beyond, which are designed to satisfy even the most demanding wine lovers.