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Rosso di Valtellina

The Rosso di Valtellina is the youngest and freshest expression of the whole territory, obtained mainly from the most widely cultivated vine in the area, Nebbiolo, known locally as Chiavennasca. It represents the most widespread DOC on the Rhaetian side, which includes more than hundreds of hectares cultivated even in the most inaccessible and difficult areas. In Valtellina, the term 'heroic viticulture' is used because the vines grow on steep, rugged terrain, organised in small terraces supported by dry stone walls, at altitudes of over 700 metres. Harvesting is traditionally carried out by hand and requires hard work, sweat and passion. As a result, this red wine is the purest and simplest anthem of this land, and with its fragrant and carefree character, it is a perfect candidate as an everyday wine for every meal!

8 results
2 -@@-1-Gambero Rosso
87 -@@-5-Veronelli
2 -@@-1-Gambero Rosso
87 -@@-5-Veronelli

The Rosso di Valtellina is the youngest and freshest expression of the whole territory, obtained mainly from the most widely cultivated vine in the area, Nebbiolo, known locally as Chiavennasca. It represents the most widespread DOC on the Rhaetian side, which includes more than hundreds of hectares cultivated even in the most inaccessible and difficult areas. In Valtellina, the term 'heroic viticulture' is used because the vines grow on steep, rugged terrain, organised in small terraces supported by dry stone walls, at altitudes of over 700 metres. Harvesting is traditionally carried out by hand and requires hard work, sweat and passion. As a result, this red wine is the purest and simplest anthem of this land, and with its fragrant and carefree character, it is a perfect candidate as an everyday wine for every meal!

A Land to Discover

This special territory includes the area that extends into the province of Sondrio in the valley shaped by the Adda river, which springs from the Stelvio glaciers and flows into Lake Como. It is a particularly fertile alpine area that every year offers unique and exquisite products, such as the tasty varieties of apples, various cheeses (above all Bitto), fine cold cuts (slinzega, bresaola) and the famous pizzoccheri pasta. In addition, this area is visited every year by a large number of tourists from all over the world, attracted by the various activities it offers. In particular, it is a destination for winter sports lovers, such as skiing or snowboarding, because it has some of the most important national ski areas. Even in summer, the coolness and beauty of the mountains enable alpine excursions by bike or on foot surrounded by the colours of nature. In short, a true natural spectacle that is ideal for all seasons.

And let's not forget that on the south side of the Adda river, the Nebbiolo grape has been traditionally grown for centuries, giving birth to some of the most famous Lombard wines of the whole peninsula: the Sforzato DOCG, the Superiore DOCG and the Rosso di Valtellina DOC. This last one, compared to its more full-bodied and robust brothers, is often made and aged in steel tanks, so that it can preserve the youthful freshness and fruity character of Nebbiolo, or rather Chiavennasca, the name local producers give to their grapes.

The Youngest Son of Heroic Winemaking

The famous enclave of Valtellina is located in the far north of Lombardy, in a landscape dominated by valleys and Alpine peaks. Vine-growing has adapted to the difficulties of these lands, carving out small cultivable areas from the mountain slopes, terraced by dry stone walls and connected by narrow steps. The vine thus grows under the mountain's shadow, breathing in the alpine air and clinging to those small, resistant strips of land. This is what we call heroic viticulture, as the steep slopes do not allow mechanisation, but only traditional methods through the hard and tiring work of man. In fact, since the Carolingian period, when the first historical evidence of this enological amphitheatre was found, the grape harvest has been carried out entirely by hand and involves the use of "panniers" placed on the shoulders where the bunches of grapes are loaded and transported, walking up steep stairs and along narrow paths. The mountainous Nebbiolo or Chiavennasca is the most widely cultivated grape that gives rise to the area's most important denominations. Rosso di Valtellina is the youngest and freshest red wine of this land, which is almost always produced after maturation in steel to preserve its young and fruity profile. Among the most famous interpretations are those of Nino Negri and Arpepe Rosso di Valtellina. The latter became a success a few years ago when it was introduced at the Vinitaly fair, winning over the public "for its youthful energy and modern elegance of expression".

Characteristics and Food Pairing of Rosso di Valtellina

Rosso di Valtellina has a luminous red colour in the wine glass, with ruby and sometimes garnet shades. To the nose it is fragrant and juicy, recalling the aromas of small berries, cherries, light notes of spices, herbs and mountain flowers. The palate demonstrates a vibrant, crisp and youthful texture, with marked freshness and a slender, flowing and fruity taste.

These are wines to enjoy throughout the entire meal, perfect companions for everyday drinking and not particularly complex dishes. Try it with a board of local cheeses and cold cuts, but an absolute must is the combination with a first course of pizzoccheri!

Discover the prices of Rosso di Valtellina and all its pairings in the Callmewine catalogue. Allow yourself to be guided by the technical specifications and buy the wine that best suits your needs at the most competitive price!