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Hungarian wines from the famous Lake Balaton region
Region Lago Balaton (Ungheria)
Foundation Year 2015
Vineyard hectares 62
Address Kristinus, Kéthely, Hunyadi u. 99 - 8713, Ungheria

Kristinus Wine Estate is a Hungarian winery that manages an estate south of Lake Balaton, in the famous Balatonboglár wine region. The area has always been suitable for viticulture thanks to its particularly temperate climate due to the presence of a large body of water, which mitigates the continental temperatures of central Europe. The estate is not only dedicated to the cultivation of vines, it is in fact a true all-round farm, hosting other crops and even an animal breeding farm. This choice is part of a broader vision that aims to create a harmonious ecosystem rich in biodiversity, in which vines can coexist with other activities, without becoming a monoculture.

The entire Kristinus Wine Estate is run under Demeter-certified biodynamic agriculture since 2022. Only sulphur, copper, horn manure, hornsilica and other natural biodynamic preparations are used in the vineyard. Fertilisation is only done with organic manure from the cows on the farm, so that an internal process of sustainability is managed. High-quality grapes can only come from healthy, vital and humus-rich soil. The preservation of meadows, pastures and wooded areas favours the biodiversity of the flora and the presence of rich wildlife in the vineyard. Within this context, the vine finds its natural vegetative and productive balance and gradually develops greater resistance to disease attack.

If the work in the vineyard is directed towards the production of healthy, genuine grapes, the cellar practices also follow the same direction and are conducted with extreme rigour and maniacal attention to detail. Vinification takes place with minimal oenological intervention, always seeking to preserve the integrity and personality of the raw material, the terroir and the vintage. A work carried out by indulging the fruit of nature in a simple and natural way. Attention to environmental sustainability embraces every aspect of Kristinus Wine Estate's activity, which uses lightweight bottles, renewable energies, recycling and differentiated waste disposal, to favour the virtuous process of the circular economy.

Kristinus' wines