
Young, in love and passionate about the terroir: Luca and Carolina in the Roero area
Region Piemonte (Italia)
Vineyard hectares 4.6
Annual production 25.000 bt
Address Frazione Madonna di Loreto, Località Val Faccenda, 43 - 12043 Canale (CN)
Oenologist Luca Faccenda

Valfaccenda is the Roero area. Valfaccenda is Luca alongside Carolina. Valfaccenda is Luca together with Carolina in the Roero.

He is an enologist and she is a graphic designer (the labels are beautiful!). In 2010, together they created this artisanal and genuine wine project, which was born from their territorial dreams, from their lively and electric souls, and from their simple and irrational love. Valfaccenda is cognission (pronounced: /cugnision/ = cognition) and arzigh (pronounced: /arˈzig/ = risk), with its physical headquarters in Canale, but with a desire to conquer the world.

In addition to being the name chosen for Luca's winery, Valfaccenda is also the name of the place where he was born and where his vines grow today. It is synonymous with genuine, artisanal territoriality, which the bottled liquid is determined to transfer to the consumer sip by sip. Here in the valley that connects Canale to Cisterna d'Asti, we find ourselves in the rockier heart of the Roero region, on the left bank of the Tanaro river, which for a long time was the victim of an insignificant competition with its Langhe cousins. Luca, after completing a degree in Enology, a grape harvest in New Zealand and a consultancy period on the other side of the Tanaro (ouch!), was attracted by the magnetic force of his birthplace. He returned to his native Faccenda Valley, took over his father's vineyards and unleashed his creativity. Here the soils are sandy, the slopes steep, the altitude reaches 400 metres and the view is lost in a breathtaking landscape characterised by the vertical cuts of the Rocche, where the vines alternate with woods, hazelnut groves and fruit trees. Who wouldn't fall in love with this land? Luca has gone even further, and in collaboration with Enrico and Alberto, two of his long-time friends who are also involved in their respective small wineries, he has set up the SoloRoero Association. It is founded on key principles such as the exclusive cultivation of local varieties, such as Arneis and Nebbiolo, the use of sustainable practices that are based on the principles of organic farming and on the secrets his grandparents passed down to him, and the interpretation of Arneis as a white wine for ageing and not just a ready-to-drink wine. These values have always carried the Roero flag high, with beautiful and exciting wines.

The Valfaccenda winery is still relatively small, with 4 hectares of vines, and produces only a few bottles, yet, in its own small way, it represents a living, positive and shining light in this area that is currently experiencing a revolutionary phase!

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"La Roerolution innescata da Valfaccenda, e da tutto il gruppo di Solo Roero, meriterebbe di per sé una statua in piazza: tutto questo non è successo con finalità egoistiche, ma sempre con una visione più ampia e nobile, mirata a tendere una mano amica a tutto il comparto viticolo locale"

Guida Slowine 2023

The wines of Valfaccenda
2 -@@-1-Gambero Rosso